Hello Parents!
Welcome to the 2021 - 2022 School Year!! Physical Education classes have begun! It is great to see everyone safely back in school!! Please be sure that your scholar is dressed to participate on their designated Phys. Ed. day! Looking forward to a funfilled and fit school year!!
A few reminders:
2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade have Phys. Ed. on
Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grade have Phys. Ed. on
3) ALL scholars must wear their
Gym Uniform and
Sneakers to participate in Phys. Ed. **On Rain or Snow days please remember to pack their sneakers in their backpacks if they are wearing boots.**
4) If your scholar(s) have
THREE Unprepared Days in one Marking Period it will effect their grade for that Marking Period.
Everyday, but especially on their Phys. Ed. day, please pack water for your scholar!!
6) We are going to utilize our outdoor space for P.E. unless we have inclement weather.
5) To excuse your scholar from Phys. Ed., I must have a note from you or their Doctor. In cases when your scholar is restricted from physical activity by their Doctor; I need a note for the restriction and a note once they are cleared to participate again.