ALL homework can be found on Google Classroom.
Using the child's login information go to classroom.google.com, click 3rd Grade, click Classwork, scroll down to find the Homework section.
ALL updates can be found on Class Dojo.
**For Dreambox: Please go to the URL below!
**Scroll down and click TORRES3, then login!!!
Please check your email for the virtual back to schooll "night" links. Please review the day and time listed on your invite.
All workbooks MUST be covered in CLEAR contact paper. Contact paper can be found in any local stores such as CVS, RiteAid, and Walgreens in the office aisle. It can also be found in office stores such as Staples, OfficeMax, etc. Additionally, it may be ordered online via Amazon.
Students will be using the workbooks daily all year so the books will recieve a lot of wear and tear. This is why it is important to preserve the books as best as possible via contact paper. Clear contact paper is easier for the students to see which book they need.
Thank you.
5 black and white marble notebooks (100 pages)
5 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers
3 - two pocket folders
1 box of 16 crayons or colored pencils (No markers)
2 boxes of tissues
1 medium-large bottle of hand sanitizer
1 soft vinyl or cloth pencil case (No hard or box-like cases)
1 small pair of scissors
1 solid glue stick (No liquid)
1 small mechanical sharpener
All workbooks must be covered in clear contact paper! All books and other belongings must have the child's name!
Dear Parents and Students,
Hello! I hope you all had a restful summer. My name is Ms. Torres; and, I am going to be your teacher this year. I know this year is different. There are a lot of unknowns this year, but rest assured, we will get through it together. If you have any questions, concerns or comments please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to reach me is via Class Dojo. Class Dojo is a great resource for school updates as well as provides insight on how your child is doing in school throughout the day. Please be sure to sign up when you receive the email invitation. Please check your email daily as everything will be sent home electronically this year. Please be sure to send all school supplies with your child. Make sure everything has your child's name on it. Any additional supplies that can be donated to our wonderful class is greatly appreciated! The school year has just begun so please remember the first day of school is Wednesday, Sept. 9th. I cannot wait to meet you!
Ms. Torres