Art News
Back to School Supplies
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome back former and new students to another exciting and interesting school year at HRS!
I hope everyone had a great summer, and are ready for another great school year! Due to Covid sharing art supplies is no longer allowed. Therefore, all students must have their own art supplies. I'm not asking for a lot of things, and these are things you might already have. These are also things that children will need for their other classes in school.
1. Sharpened pencils with a good eraser.
2. Glue/glue sticks
3. Safety Scissors
4. Small pack of crayons/or sharpened colored pencils. Markers are optional.
5. Ruler - optional.
6. Pencil case to keep all of their supplies safe and together.
I can't wait for us to create some fantastic art together!
Stay safe!
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss. Fiorenza